Nature loves symmetry and so do we!!
I wrote this one yesterday in a data structures class and trust me,i was not under dope or booze...Who knows these fundas might just be proved one day!!
Ever wondered why everything nature creates has an inverse? Why every black has a white,every summer has a winter? Being a little more scientific there, why does every electron have a proton? Well,the answer to this one is probably the answer to all of these...just to cancel out each other and maintain the neutrality of the universe. It might be nature's conspiracy to remain unaffected as a whole,to remain neutral, and here's where I intend to mention the funda of matter and antimatter, which quite a lot of you would already be knowing,and hopefully an equal number would be ignorant about.OK,so to begin with,every matter that exists is said to have an antimatter associated with it, the same way every electron has a proton, and its said that they cancel each other the same way too. Moreover, if a matter and antimatter are allowed to get in contact, they are supposed to perish into thin air, cancelling each other thoroughly with no remains whatsoever. Now this might seem like a total hypothetical funda, but let me tell you, it has already been created. So speaking in absolute non-technical terms, to everything, there exists an opposite, an opposite capable of
cancelling it out.This existance of antimatter theory has quite succesfully
explained the creation of universe out of sheer nothingness, and even the big
bang and the primeval atom theories.
But I would like to mention here that this article is not just about the matter
and antimatter and I do not even intend to make it just for the people who are into science.Its just intended to put forward the view that if I am happy for some reason or because of an event that has happened, you might be sad for the same. To put it more clearly, the nature's law of creating everything in opposites can also be applied to human emotions and feelings and happenings and to the life as a whole. Lets say, if Bangladesh wins a cricket match against India(which seems very probable considering India's current state of the game), total happiness of the Bangladeshis might be cancelled out by the distress of the Indians.And this leads me to another funda, somebody might want to say that the 'n' people of a small country like Bangladesh being happy would not be able to cancel out the sadness of whole 'm'(m>>n) people of India. But probably its the intensity that matters as well. Physically speaking, it might be that the people, though being less in number are more happy, probably because their country hardly wins any matches, and the Indians are not that sad, because now they're used to all this, so the total happiness might just equal the total sadness.And ofcourse such a thing does not happen everyday, the probability of such an event happening therefore is too low.
To explain this a little more clearly, lets say, every emotion or feeling has particles associated with it, lets call them emoticons for a while. If one's happy, he can be considered to release some happiness emoticons and so forth for other emotions as well.So the net result of emoticons released should be zero by the 'law of conservation of energy' ,thus accounting for the neutrality of nature. This might even explain statements like 'spreading love around','sharing your sorrows', and so forth. Something similar to the regular mutual induction laws in science.
But there's one exception to all of this, the Entropy, which as is said, always increases in a universe. One of the common arguments given is the existance of a
multiverse. Its said that as we gradually discovered the presence of other planets,then galaxies, we might just, in near future discover that this is not just the only universe that exists. It might just be the subset of some other huge body and other universes might even prevail. And there might be a universe where the Entropy might decrease, hypothetical it sounds, but you never know the future,as Stephen Hawking says.
Now we come to spirituality and religion and Godliness.Has anybody ever noticed that every religion has signs absolutely symmetrical(read that in 'Angels and Demons', infact a lot of stuff i wrote has been derived, or rather inspired from that). Consider the age-old cross in Christianity, or the Chinese yin-yang, or even our own Swastika. Nature loves symmetry, and so do we, because the faces that attract us the most are the most symmetrical ones(heard this on Discovery once). So the subconscious, or our human nature, or we the humans as a whole,who, again being a part of nature, if can love symmetry, why not the nature as a whole, we have the same soul afterall(thats what Paolo Coelho says afterall,and atleast i believe him). I know thats a bit too philosophical, but that leads me to a much loved topic, Ambigrams.For those who do not know,ambigrams are words written in such a symbolic way so that they, when read after rotating them 180 degrees, still be the same. Its said that the world's best supercomps are even incapable of creating one but human minds can...I mean even you can, I have tried and have been successful. Its all about the gifts that have been bestowed upon us by nature. All I want to say after this entire crap is these are solely my fundas and i do not want anybody to agree but I want everyone who's reading this to atleast give a thought and appreciate the symmetry that exists.
And afterall...half of you agreeing with this shit and half of you not would prove my theory anycase....that everything that exists, exists in pairs, an opposite entity always existing to cancel out the effect of the first one.Nature loves to be symmetrical and so do we!!
thanx sweetie!!!
awesome !!!!
hvnt i red dis one before already?? or is it tht this ones similar to ne of ur previous postings?????
heyy thanx rims...
n sak...nahi bhai...its entirely different frm ne of my old ones!!!
perhaps you havent heard of the term in theological sciences called monotheism. And moreover, there is no symmetry attatched to unity, a point.
mann....ur thinkin absolutely crazily.....
heyos kudos a good piece!
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